Jason Napier

Jason Napier’s whimsical and expressive wildlife sculptures just make you smile. The animals he brings to life exude personality and always harness a colorfully rich patina. 25 years ago, Jason discovered his talents while working in a bronze casting foundry as a means to pay for college. The process of casting and applying patinas was so inspiring to him that he began spending late hours after work creating and casting his own pieces. Developing his unique style as a canvass for his trademark patinas was the !AHA? moment which has taken him to global notoriety.
His smooth surfaces, graceful lines and carefully selected high polished areas accentuate motion and give life to some of natures most beloved subjects. Jason designs a patina finish to suit each animal and are so unique they have given him a reputation among his collectors and peers alike. With these inherent trademarks, Jason finds a harmony that is unparalleled the field of contemporary wildlife art.
Jason attributes much of his success to his wife and high school sweetheart Danielle. Side by side they have carved their path in the world of bronze. With a meager start in an expensive form of art, they both possessed great ambition and the talents necessary to form a strong foundation. With the honed business background provided by Danielle, not to mention the enthusiastic brainstorming, insightful encouragement and an eye for design, teamwork has achieved a high level of artistry. Their passion for art run parallel, and together have enjoyed gallery ownership, participating in fine art shows as well as group and solo exhibiting in galleries and museums both nationwide and internationally.
Please call to inquire about commissioned or unlisted artwork (928) 282-7130
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