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Bernd Wolf

Bernd Wolf Sambol Cleaner

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2ml Gold & Silver Cleaner for Bernd Wolf Jewelry

Important: Read before use.

GOLD AND SILVER CLEANER removes tough impurities from your jewelry. The cleaner contains acid: Hands and sensitive materials must be rinsed with water immediately after contact with the liquid. We recommend the use of gloves (vinyl, latex, PE). Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and mucosa. Noxious when swallowed, contact a doctor immediately.

Application: Sensitive items of jewelry

Sensitive jewelry materials include: Pearls, corals, aventurine, lapis lazuli, kyanite, soft stones, stainless steel, base metals and others.

Apply the liquid carefully to the gold & silver surface using the brush and allow to act for a few seconds. Immediately rinse if the liquid comes into contact with the sensitive parts. if necessary, repeat the process and dry carefully.

Application: Insensitive items of jewelry

Insensitive jewelry materials include: Amethyst, aquamarine, rock crystal, diamonds, hematite, carnelian, peridot, onyx, topaz, and others.

Non-sensitive materials can stay in contact with the liquid for longer and can be cleaned with the liquid. We recommend applying the liquid for 10-30 seconds, then rinse with water. If necessary, repeat the process and dry carefully.

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